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Current ability vs Potential ability in Football Manager terms

Hey guys! So, you’ve earned a lot of money selling your superb striker and want to invest in a new talent for making your crowds ch...

Hey guys!

So, you’ve earned a lot of money selling your superb striker and want to invest in a new talent for making your crowds cheer. You put your scouts to work and they start sending you reports about that short guy from the north of the country… wait a moment, what are these yellow & black stars in your reports, men?

Stars mean how good a player is... or can be. Is there any difference? Of course there is!

Current ability: this shows how good that player is TODAY. Yellow stars mean that the player has already achieved that level of “quality”, and they’re important for knowing how he's gonna perform in the field now. Well if he’s your player all his stars under Current Ability will be yellow, because your coaches know your players. But if he is not your player, and you’re just looking for someone to hire, then you might see some black stars here. The player can be that good now if you sign him, or not; this depends on your scout Judging player ability skill.

Potential ability: this is the tricky part. It means, “how good can the player become one day in the future?”. Again, stars for players in your club will be provided by coaches and stars for player not in your club will be provided by scouting team. The best scouts you have, the best accuracy in the potential of the player. Be careful if your scout with Judging player potential = 10 says that young talent is a 5 black stars. Don’t put a pound there!

Current vs Potential. This guy is between 2.5 and 4 now, and can go up to 5 somewhere in the future... or he can just be 2.5 for the rest of his career.

Can current ability and potential ability change? For sure. You’ll need to train & develop your players if you want them to get to their most. Black stars will become yellow if you’re doing a good job, and will disappear if you’re not. It’s that easy.

One last thing: players’ abilities vary depending on the overall level of your team. Your star player today can be the worst next year – surely this year he was a 4 yellow-stars and next year he’ll be a normal 3-yellow-guy. But huh, it’s so hard to sell someone so important for your club’s history…


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FM Addict: Current ability vs Potential ability in Football Manager terms
Current ability vs Potential ability in Football Manager terms
FM Addict
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